Start with the Stars Volume 1 | Page 20


By: Sydney Niziol

1)What is in seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days?

2)At night they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen. What are they?

3)I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?

4)Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

5)The person who makes it, sells it. The person who buys it never uses it and the person who uses it doesn't know they are. What is it?

6)The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?

7)What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?

8)What's black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you're all through with it?

9)You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

10) I am always hungry,

I must always be fed,

The finger I touch,

Will soon turn red

11)All about, but cannot be seen,

Can be captured, cannot be held,

No throat, but can be heard.

12)If you break me

I do not stop working,

If you touch me

I may be snared,

If you lose me

Nothing will matter.

13)Until I am measured

I am not known,

Yet how you miss me

When I have flown.