Stars & Stripes May/June/July/August | Page 25

Lazy N Redboy

Looking back over the history of AMHA several stallions top the charts for producing World Champions consistently . The word “ great ” is bantered back and forth numerous times when it comes to describing most of our historical stallions . What is it that makes a stallion a great stallion ? That could be debated for hours , but truth be known the breeder , the owner and the caretaker of a horse must truly believe that a stallion is great , to make him one of those chart topping names . Such was the belief in Lazy N Redboy .

In 1984 Tony Greaves was fortunate enough to be able to attend the dispersal of the Lazy N Stables , in Winters , Texas . The stables were owned by a long time friend of his family , Jno W . Norman . Tony , always with the questioning mind , wondered why Jno was pronounced as “ John ”. Tony ’ s parents explained there had been two John Normans in the town of Winters and so Mr . Norman , who was an attorney , adopted the name Jno to differentiate between the two of them . Mr . Norman carried that nickname until he died in his late eighties . When his health began failing his good friends , Vern and Betty Brewer , volunteered to help put on a dispersal sale of his Miniatures , Shetlands , and an extensive museum quality collection of horse drawn carriages .
Statistics : Foaled : 6 / 2 / 1981 Deceased 8 / 23 / 2010 Never Shown Sired : 165 Offspring Bred by Jno W . Norman
2 Miniature Horse World April / May 2011