The main HQ at Starfleet Galactic is one of the best resources in the Sci Fi community. The lobby has many fine vendors that specialize in Sci Fi ships and avatars. A walk around the exerior shows the landing pad, the gazebo, rocks that overlook the ocean for private talks, as well as a huge swimming area with a working diving board. And don't forget the fishing dock where you can catch hundreds of different types of fish and other items if you have a 7 Seas fishing pole.
We own an entire sim, and we are using it to the max!
A quick flight into Space takes you to our Starship. One of the nicest recreations of Starship voyager, this ship also has a "Multi Room rezzer" for public use, and a "Multi Bridge rezzer" for Captains. Also in the Transporter room Captains can access the Horizons Pro system and rez over 50 scenarios for roleplays..
Our dear friend Lazlow Core is renting a huge area in orbit where he is constructing a "Sci Fi City" which we are excited about.
Our Captain Grooveshark has expressed a desire also to rent an area in orbit, perhaps for a new cool Starship?
Don't forget that at 3000 meters is our "Sandbox" which is the place where many talented builders are crteating new Sci Fi items!
Finally at 3500 m is our Victory Station which stands guard against any high orbit threats to our sim and HQ
Starship Starship
Years of technological development
Fly your shuttle or Runabout....
We have a huge starfield at all altitudes abouve 1000 m
Many facilities are interactive, try our Multi Room rezzer on the Starship!