Star Trac Fitness | Impact Strength Line | 页面 2

IMPACT STRENGTH® AVAIL ABLE COLORS Options for upholstery and frame. Proven. Stylish. Effective. It’s what you look for in any piece of equipment that will make up the core of your facility. Impact Strength® is all of those Harmony and then some with a wide variety of options and pieces suited for everyone from hardcore athletes to new users. From top to bottom, its been built and designed with one goal in mind - to be a powerful choice for primary selectorized Black Upholstery Star Trac Silver Frame LEGACY strength equipment. Based on the popular feel of our Flex Fitness strength line legacy and supported by a 30-year history of proven biomechanics, Impact Strength Brown Upholstery White Frame provides multiple options for focusing on each body part. Impact Strength also offers the revolutionary Lock N Load® patented weight selection system that affords users the most streamlined and efficient workout possible, while reducing common maintenance hassles associated with traditional weight stacks and pins. With all of the traditional and required user features, like range of motion control and pre stretch adjustment, Impact Strength offers a solid and reliable strength solution for any facility. REDEFINE FUN. 3