STAR-POST (Music) July 2018 STAR-POST (Music) July 2018 | Page 12

“Feedback is an important process in student learning. However, my past experiences have shown that students face difficulties in providing quality feedback that goes beyond ‘this was a good/ bad performance’. Are students able to be more musically specific in their feedback? I am keen to find out how student-student feedback in the music classroom can be improved through different facilitation strategies, with focus on questioning techniques.” Lim Hui Wen Jwen Music Teacher • Woodgrove Secondary School Click here to read more about “Improving Student- Student Feedback” One of the daily post-discussions during the study trip After the conference, the teacher-leaders continue their readings and envision possibilities in their classrooms. This makes for a meaningful learning experience that springs our teacher-leaders to begin their inquiry into their teaching practices. 12