STAR-POST (Music) July 2018 STAR-POST (Music) July 2018 | Page 10

What do we know about Critical Inquiry STAR explores the critical inquiry journey that grows our teachers as reflective learners, as they undergo a process of gathering and evaluating information, ideas from multiple sources to documenting observations, leading to new knowledge and applications. From 2016, 19 music teacher-leaders have grown as reflective practitioners through their participation in a Critical Inquiry Networked Learning Community (CI NLC). The CI NLC provided a purposeful, supportive and sustained environment for our teacher-leaders to engage in critical discourse to stimulate and inspire further pedagogical ideas and critical reflection, as they conducted their CI projects in their respective music classrooms over a 4 to 6 month period. The CI journey, guided by a Master Teacher (Music), was an enriching one as it provided teachers with a transformative learning experience 1 which impacted their teaching beliefs and practices. Transformative learning is introduced by Mezirow in 1978 as effecting change in a frame of reference. It focussed on the centrality of experience, critical reflection and rational discourse. Illeris, in 2014, defined transformative learning as learning that implies changes in the identity of the learner so that there is a change in understanding, a way of behaviour, or a mode of experience. 1 10