STAR-POST (Music) January 2019 STAR-Post 2019 | Page 4
Intersections & Transformation
Intersections and
How does the theme of Intersections and Transformation open the space for us to
examine creativity in the arts and the potential of the arts to facilitate engagement,
innovation and optimism for the future?
Music Master Teachers
leading the arts
education fraternity
in collaborative
Flushes of enthusiasm and excitement filled Themed “Arts for the Future: Intersections
the air as the crowds eagerly queued for their and Transformation”, the conference was
conference tags, anticipating the programme graced by Second Minister for Education,
ahead that would engage them in learning and Ms Indranee Rajah, and opened with a
open new perspectives. captivating and innovative performance
by Ding Yi that showcased contemporary
The biennial Arts Education Conference
interpretations and crossed multiple disciplines.
(AEC) 2018, co-organised by the Singapore
About Arts
Conference 2018
Teachers’ Academy for the aRts (STAR) and Arts The opening performance began with a unique
Education Branch (AEB) saw a turnout of more percussion solo, played entirely on ceramic
than one thousand participants, comprising pieces. As a surprise feature, the solo line
school leaders, teachers, and representatives was continued on the video screen that had
from our arts partners. For the first time, the recorded STAR’s Senior Academy Officer
AEC saw the participation of our Dance and (Music), Ms Adeline Tan playing on another set
Drama colleagues. It was a gathering of arts of ceramics.
educators who believe in the integral role of arts
education in developing our students holistically More intersections await as the ensemble was
and shaping the future of Singapore. joined by the three Music Master Teachers,