Stanzas: Monthly Chapbooks September 2015 (Internet) | Page 2

Ones and Zeros TL;DR: internet be cray. W hen the annals of man are written and humankind has come to its final rest, an alien species will observe there were three key developments to our society: Fire, The Wheel, and a little thing called the Internet Our ability to connect with total disregard to space is incredible. It defies thought. It is the new market-place, it is the town-square, it is the forum of public opinion. Without it, we are veiled; with it, we are empowered. And yet there is a dark side to this technology. Deep under the belly of the beast lies a realm devoted to cat videos and children making funny noises at their parents. If you search hard enough you will find memes meming memes, meaning having lost all context as a great gyre appears, sucking sense and reason down into facile facetiousness. And there’s the actual Dark Web where you can buy a gun loaded with meth to inject starving children into your penal gland, or whatever goes on down there. We don’t know, they only take BitCoin and we were never into Minecraft. lol, pop culture, etc, etc. There is beauty in the internet. It’s not exactly on facebook, and it’s rare to be seen on twitter. It’s nearly a mix of instagram and editorials about the state of man on glossy journals. Whatever it is, we’re all a part of it now. Even those who reject it become a feature of it. This is who we are, 01110011 01110100 01100001 01101110 01111010 01100001 01110011 stanzas