Stanzas: Monthly Chapbooks September 2014: The First | Page 14
Abandoned (to a lonely park bench)
Jared Nadin
She sits there lost and unnoticed, in her ferny, grassy corner.
Her tarmac path, moss strewn and weed-speckled,
She wears like a patchwork skirt.
Full of colour,
Of sadness.
No Bridesmaids have come to lift her train in some time,
So it sits around her,
Her dark green arms, legs, back, tinged with arthritic brown rust,
Cor rupting corroded joints.
No soothing balm has g raced her withered elbows.
Not since many years.
And you begin to think that she couldn’t always have looked so sad.
Oh know well stranger, she was beautiful once.
Draped in a cape of greenest green leaves.
Her hair,
Full of flowers and the sound of birds.
She remembers, her old companions:
The withered sage with his cane, who’d share his
wisdom with her daily;
The young lovers, admiring her beauty in each other’s arms;