Stanzas: Monthly Chapbooks December 2014: Winter | Page 18

Winter’s Grasp Kerrie Ryan These shackles and chains of depression, Hold us back every Winter year. The long dark evenings, Taking over the beautiful brightness, Leaving us in this horrible lull. Thinking of the past every Season, Snatched glimpses of happiness, Excitement always coming to play, This December, And many more gone past, Of Christmas toys, Warm hugs, The dancing amber flames, The smell of cloves and whiskey. In the end the hardship always prevail, Every Winter left thinking, Will I last? Long dark nights And horrible fights Of demons both inside and out. This lowliness is shared with quite a few, Winters ghostly presence, Like an ominous grey cloud the unbearable weight, But this winter Is just like the last, It will pass, And I, still standing, With the sunshine on my back. 18