Stanzas: Monthly Chapbooks April 2015: The Fool | Page 18

higher power, but rather is driven by the acknowledgment of his actions. Though our Joker claims ‘I am not a schemer. I show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are.’ (The Dark Night) it is obvious that he shares a lot of characteristics to The Fool; he is of a lower class than Batman, he seems to be a mad man but in reality he is clever and collected, he keeps Batman on his toes and shows him a different side to his reality. The Joker’s drive of creating world anarchy brings us to another iconic figure, Brain from Pinky and the Brain. Where The Joker’s goal is to destroy the Brains is to control. ‘Gee, Brain. What are we going to do tonight?’ ‘The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try and take over the world.’ Now, you’re probably assuming here is a perfect example of a fool in Pinky but no, Pinky is the Fool and Brain a fool. However now the strings have been cut Pinky has no input, no control, yet if Brain put aside his arrogance and God complex perhaps he would succeed. Where Pinky’s ideas are simple and concise Brains are extravagant, every night he embarks on a fools errand only to be foiled by the people he wishes to conquer. Even when Brain enhances Pinkies mental abilities he refuses to listen to his advice marking him as an idiot. The theme song gives a clue to the true nature of these infamous mice. ‘They’re Pinky and The Brain Yes, Pinky and The Brain One is a genius The other’s insane.’ So we come back to the original question ‘What is a fool?’ A fool is any man. Any man at all. But beware for those you pin as foolish may in fact be a true Fool. Who pulls the strings? 18