Is it possible you are using too much cleanser on your face? It is! You could be smothering your pores and not even knowing it! Use this cheat sheet to help you with how much of each product you should be using. For example, I bet you never knew you should be using more cleanser than the actual mask!
Picture Credit to: BioElements
Face Masks
What they are good for
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar+1 Tbsp olive oil+1/2 tsp honey= Lip Scrub
1 Cup Dry Oats+1/2 Cup Water+1/4 Cup Honey= Face Mask
2 Cups Raw Sugar+1/2 Cup Grapeseed Oil+1 tsp scent=Body Scrub
2 tsp Pumpkin Puree+1/2 Tsp honey+ 1/2 tsp milk= Facial
1 Avocado+2 Tbsp Honey+ 1 Tbsp Olive Oil= Hair Mask
Rosewater+Coconut Milk= Relaxing Bath
Honey+Olive Oil= Skin Mosturizer
Honey+Brown Sugar= Face/Body Scrub
Un-Petroleum Jelly+Raw Sugar=Lip Scrub
Egg Yolk+Lemon Juice= Anti-Redness Facial
Credit to: Pinterest
1 cup unscented Castielle Soap+2 tbsp Water+1/2 cup vegetable glycerin+ 15 drops essential oil= DIY Bubble Bath
Credit to: Tipsographic