Credit to: Housing a Forest
To make these Cute Emoji Hearts you will need:
-Construction paper in yellow, white, black, red, and blue
How to make:
1. Cut out as many yellow hearts as you are making emojis.
2. Then cut out their facial features.
3. If your favorite emoji isn't pictured here, then look at a reference photo and glue on accordingly.
4. (optional) On the back, write a cute valentine's saying
To make this DIY, you need:
-Shadow Box
-OLD books from DI/Goodwill
-Heart Stencil
-Printable with words "Every Heart has a story to tell
How to make:
1. Cut out at least 5 hearts with stencil from the books.
2. Fold all of the hearts in half.
3. Take the glass out of the shadow box and glue the printable on the back
4. Choose which side you want to have people be able to read. Fold that side inward. Glue the top of the heart to the bottom of the next heart. Repeat. Glue the ends to the shadow box.