Standing and Shining 1 | Page 30

Saving your money is much harder than it seems. You will be sitting at home one day thinking "I am going to save my money for (insert product here)." and the next you are buying a pizza. I have some ideas for you that will make saving your money fun and easy! So, first you should get this printout that I created linked here. After you print that out, hang it somewhere you look every day (a mirror is a good place.) At the end of each day, before you go to sleep, write in the correct box how much you have total (yesterday's number+what you earned-what you lost.) After saving your money for 6 weeks, you will see what you have earned.

To save money, you need to make money. I have tons of different ideas for you here. These ideas are super easy and pretty fun for the crafty, nerdy, fashionista, etc. kids to do.

Use Jars! Gather 3 quart-size jars and make three labels (Saving, Spending, Tithing.) Put them on the jars. Before you add the labels, decorate the jar. Put glitter, duct tape, etc. on the rims to customize each one. Every time you earn anything, put 10% in the tithing jar, 45% in the savings jar, and 45% in the spending jar. You will have a visual to see how your money adds up over time!

I hope you learned something from this article about saving and spending your money wisely!