Standing and Shining 1 | Page 23

To create this Candy Corn button art, get your hot glue gun heated up. Sort all of your buttons into white, orange, yellow, and other colors. Take the glass out of your picture frame and hot glue a piece of burlap on the part that holds the picture in. Take some paper in the colors of orange, yellow, and white and arrange them in the order that you want for your candy corn. Cut the papers to create a template. Hot glue the buttons on!

Difficulty Level: Medium

To start off this project, gather a jar and the ingredients. For an 8 oz jar of this sugar scrub you will need 1 cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of coconut oil, 2 tsp. of pumpkin spice, and 2 tsp. of vanilla extract. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and put in a jar. Tie a ribbon around outside for decoration.

Difficulty Level: Easy

0.28oz beeswax

0.35oz virgin coconut oil

0.21oz cocoa butter

0.56oz pumpkin seed oil

0.07oz vitamin E oil

4 drops cinnamon bark essential oil

2 drops clove bud essential oil

2 blobs benzoin essential oil

Melt everything together and add to an empty chapstick container. Let cool and Enjoy!

Difficulty Level: Hard