Stand and Shine Magazine Summer 2014 | Page 15

Gary E. Stevenson, “Your Four Minutes,” Ensign, May 2014 Torch From activities campfire certification From themes Goodies “This life is your four minutes. While you are here, your actions will determine whether you win the prize of eternal life.” crafts food Instructions: I took yellow and orange tissue paper and cut it out so that it looked like fun flames, stuck the two colors together at the bottom with glue dots, and then used glue dots to attach it, orange side out, around fashion the top of a long gold metal flashlight. I made it wide enough that it wrapped around a couple times, and I had some orange ribbon, so I put that around the bot- journal tom edge of the tissue paper (also using glue dots) so that the edge looked finished. Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Cost--and Blessings--of Discipleship,” Ensign, May 2014 songs “Be strong...You will one day find yourself called upon to defend your faith...Such moments will require both courage and courtesy.” Olympics 15