Stand and Shine Magazine May 2014 | Page 16

Mind get a job Do you need to make some extra cash this summer? Maybe it’s to buy a car or save for new school clothes. Maybe it’s so you can start that college savings fund. Whatever your reason, saving money can be hard if you don’t have a job. So here are a few ideas to bring in the money!! 1 Ask your parents if there are extra chores that you can do around the house to earn some money. If so, they can list the specific job and how much you can earn. Like “mowing the lawn = $5”. 2 3 4 Do you like kids? Babysitting might be the answer for you. Have your mom or dad help you find a local community class that teaches babysitting basics like CPR and first aid. A lot of parents like knowing that their babysitter will know how to take care of the kids in an emergency. Speak with your parents about what you should charge, how often you can babysit, and even possible neighbors that you could offer your babysitting services too. A lot of your neighbors will probably be taking vacations this summer and will need someone to water their plants, walk or feed the dog, and maybe get their mail. Why not you? This could be an opportunity for some extra cash. Maybe you can offer to take care of their garden or mowing the lawn or whatever other needs they have for a simple fee each day. Discuss with your parents what sort of tasks you could do and what you would charge. Yard work is a big chore during the summer and some families don’t have a lot of time to put into it. If you have access to a lawn mower and have your parents permission, you could start a simple lawn mowing business. Advertise to your neighbors what you charge and how often you would mow. 5 If you’re old enough to drive, finding a job outside of the neighborhood is a possibility. Working at a restaurant, a clothing store, or even something like a summer camp counselor are all ideas. Speak with your parents and with their help apply to jobs that you feel would be good for you. 16