if their attackers have no accountability for
their own actions. This sort of mentality
leads to women being blamed for another's
bad behavior regardless of whether or not
she is covered from head to toe.
Along those same lines, we should be careful not to judge others for their clothing
choices. Many do not know about God's
standards. Others may have lost their way
the temple. Temple work allows us to return
and need love and understanding in order to
to Heavenly Father and live with our families
find their way back. Focus on what you con-
forever. In that light, modesty clothing takes
trol: yourself.
on much greater importance.
We are lucky to have the guidance of the
I want to mention one reason that shouldn't
Lord through his prophets and the Spirit. As
influence whether or not you choose to
you work to build a modest attitude through
dress modestly. I have heard many well
your words, actions, and appearance, you
meaning people claim that women should
will be more open to the influence of the
dress modestly to help men control their
Holy Ghost and God will bless your efforts. I
thoughts. This is a dangerous line of reason-
know that when I try to focus on glorifying
ing because it ignores agency.
God instead of myself, I find greater happiness than I ever could on my own.
The gift of choice is one of the most pre-
cious and important gifts God has given us.
To say that a person is responsible for an-
other's thoughts ignores this. Thinking like
this can lead to situations where women are
blamed for the actions of others. One such
story involved an eight year old girl who was
harassed on her way to school, called terri-
ble names by adults who claimed they were
upholding God's standards. Many women
who have been sexually assaulted have
Do you have a story about
modesty? Or ideas on how to
find modest clothes or how
to alter clothing?
Share with us on facebook or
on our blog.
We love hearing from you!
been accused of dressing provocatively, as