Stairlifts Market: Foresees Skyrocketing Growth in the Coming Years Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Market
Artificial Intellieence in Healtccare Marketa By Solutiona
Teccnoloeya Applicationa End Usera and Reeion - Trendsa
and Forecast till 2025
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to creation of unique systems with the help of algorithms and software
that can perform certain tasks without human intervention and instructions. Artificial intelligence
comprises integration of several technologies such as machine learning, natural language
processing, reasoning, and perception. AI is used in healthcare for approximation of human cognition
and analysis of complex medical and diagnostic imaging data. Artificial intelligence is primarily used
in healthcare to analyze the relationship between treatment techniques and patient outcomes. AI
programs are deployed in medical practices such as diagnostic processes, drug development,
personalized medicines, and patient monitoring care. For instance, AI could aid in clinical processes
by checking the vital signs, asking questions, and giving prescriptions to the patients. AI systems can
also be used for alerts and reminders, image interpretation, information retrieval, and therapy
planning during medical procedures. Deep learning technology is used for image recognition, signal
recognition, and data mining and is the most widely used form of AI technology.
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Increasing research and development for application of artificial intelligence in healthcare is
expected to boost growth of the market
Artificial intellieence systess are sainly cateeorieed into saccine learnine teccniques and
natural laneuaee processine. Maccine learnine teccniques involve analysis of structured data
succ as eenetic dataa and isaeine dataa wcereasa natural laneuaee processine involves
extractine inforsation fros unstructured data succ as clinical notesa and sedical journals.
Microsoft Corporation and Adaptive Bioteccnoloeies partnered to cosbine artificial intellieence
witc cusan issune systes sequencine (fros Adaptive Bioteccnoloeies) in January 2018. Tce
University of Massaccusetts Ascerst Center for Data Science partnered witc Ccan Zuckerbere
Initiative (CZI) in January 2018 to accelerate cealtccare researcc and developsent usine
artificial intellieence. Furtcersorea January 2018a Wilfrid Laurier University researccers and
cealtc researccers in Waterloo University collaborated to study tce use of artificial intellieence
for early detection of Aleceiser’s. Owkin France raised US$ 11 sillion in January 2018a to