[ Welding ]
[ Welding ]
Pradeep Menezes and Mano Misra lead the USD 500,000 NRC-funded project .
Combatting CISCC in nuclear storage casks
The University of Nevada , Reno ( USA ) Engineering Faculty is researching solutions for the safe storage of spent nuclear fuels . A new process has been developed to repair containers used to store nuclear fuel , increasing safety .
Text & image by University of Nevada , Reno
Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor Pradeep Menezes and Chemical & Materials Engineering Professor Mano Misra have been awarded a USD 500,000 Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC ) grant for their project to strengthen storage canisters used for nuclear waste . The project , “ Manufacturing of Spent Fuel Storage Canisters with Superior Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance using Advanced Hybrid Laser-Arc Welding and High-Pressure Cold Spray Additive Post- Processing ,” was funded in early 2024 . This project addresses chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking ( CISCC ) of stainless-steel containers used to store used nuclear fuel . The professors say their work promises to significantly advance nuclear safety and engineering , ensuring a more secure future for nuclear waste management . “ The project will elevate the University ’ s visibility in nuclear science and engineering both nationally and globally ,” Menezes said .
“ The concept combines advanced hybrid laser-arc welding with highpressure cold spray post-processing .”
The research also involves graduate students and provides opportunities for undergraduates from minority-serving institutions , fostering the development of the next-generation workforce in nuclear science and engineering .
Novel concept put into action The United States currently has over 80,000 metric tons of spent nuclear fuels stored in approximately 1,500 dry storage canisters across 63 independent interim storage locations . With storage durations expected to exceed 50 years , these canisters , made from a special type of welded stainless steel , face significant challenges . Over time , these canisters are exposed to environments
44 Stainless Steel World September 2024 www . stainless-steel-world . net