SSW 2023 Preliminary Conference Timetable
WEDNESDAY 27 September – Focus on Sustainability Day
9:30 |
Plenary Session 3 : If it ’ s uncomfortable , you ’ re doing it right - Sustainability strategies for future-proof businesses , Felix Bärmann , Nordic |
Sustainability , Denmark |
10:00 |
Plenary Session 4 : Solutions towards carbon neutral stainless steel production , Joachim von Schéele , Linde GmbH , Germany |
10:30 |
Plenary Session 5 : Materials engineering challenges of carbon capture and storage , Liane Smith , Larkton Ltd , United Kingdom |
11:00 |
Coffee & Expo Break |
Conference Arena 1 |
Conference Arena 2 |
Paper Session : Towards carbon neutral Session Chair : Joelle Greenwood , Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes , France
11:30 Corrosion resistance of stainless steels for CCS usage in supercritical CO 2 environments ; especially O 2 containing conditions , Kyohei Kanki , Nippon Steel
Corporation , Japan 11:55 Chemical recycling of stainless steel waste while permanently storing CO 2
Sjoerd van Krimpen , SCW Systems , The Netherlands
12:20 Scrap as a key factor in decarbonizing the industry , Filipe Costa , CRONIMET Envirotec , Germany
Paper Session : Clean hydrogen Session Chair : Peter van Gansewinkel , Brück , Germany
Duplex opportunity in heat exchangers for alkaline electrolysers - Green
H 2 production , Bernardo Siza Vieira , Alleima , Portugal
Hydrogen embrittlement resistance of Nb and N added austenitic stainless steel , Yosuke Yonenaga , Maruichi Stainless Tube , Japan
Stainless steel as substrate for bipolar plates of PEM electrolyzers , Raquel Rodríguez , Tubacex Innovación , Spain
12:45 |
Lunch & Expo Break |
14:00 |
Join the Sustainability Expo Forum , Conference Arena 1 – OPEN TO ALL |
The Sustainability Expo Forum is an open-access forum hosted by a select group of sustainability leaders |
who have been invited to share their expertise , insights , and experiences . The Forum will inspire and educate |
attendees about innovative sustainability initiatives , best practices , and the crucial role businesses play in creating a sustainable future . |
14:00 |
Decarbonising the stainless steel industry : Outokumpu pioneering sustainable stainless steel with Circle Green . Max Menzel , Outokumpu |
14:30 |
The complexity of the carbon footprint calculation using the example of Mannesmann Stainless Tubes . Tim Wallbaum , Mannesmann Stainless Tubes |
15:00 |
Sustainability networking reception |
15:30 |
Leveraging its new sustainability-focused business model , Aperam aims to develop the services and advanced products its customers need to achieve |
their 2050 climate goals . Nicolas Changeur , Aperam |
16:00 |
900 ways to make a change – innovations that push sustainability globally . Håkan Sundström , Alleima |
18:00 |
THURSDAY 28 September
9:30 Plenary Session 6 : Stainless steels for particle accelerators , detectors and fusion magnet systems , Dr . Stefano Sgobba and Katie Elizabeth Buchanan , CERN , Mechanical and Materials Engineering Group , Switzerland
10:30 Coffee & Expo Break
Conference Arena 1 Conference Arena 2
Paper Session : Material selection Session Chair : Lena Wegrelius , Outokumpu Stainless AB , Sweden
11:00 Field exposure studies of austenitic and duplex stainless steels in tunnel atmospheres , Thoralf Müller , Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing ( BAM ), Germany
11:25 Stainless steels selection tool for water application : Pitting engineering diagrams , Sukanya Hägg Mameng , Outokumpu , Sweden
11:50 Innovative surface hardening process to increase wear resistance of stainless steels , Michael Wandel , Bodycote Specialist Technologies GmbH , Germany
12:15 Effect of grain refinement on mechanical behavior and microstructure of 17-6 austenitic stainless steel , HanSeop Noh , POSCO , South Korea
12:40 Microstructure prediction of stainless-steel during metal forming processes , Arianna Gotti , Transvalor , Italy
13:05 Close
Workshop : Additive manufacturing / welding Moderator : Raymond Cordewener , R . Cordewener Management & Consultancy , The Netherlands
Panellists :
- Effect of surface finish on corrosion performance of additively manufactured superduplex stainless steel , Briony Holmes , TWI , UK
- How digital AM shapes the supply chain of the stainless steel applications , Fabrizio Ragusa , SLM Solutions , Germany
- Friction welding technologies for manufacturing , repair and sampling in stainless steel compo-nents , Dreyer Bernard , eNtsa - Nelson Mandela University , South Africa
- Enhanced welded tubes : From the strip to the heat exchange performance , Alexis Gauthard , NE-OTISS France , France
www . stainless-steel-world-event . com