[ Surface Hardening ] twice as large , with much more gradual decline towards the breakdown potential .
[ Surface Hardening ] twice as large , with much more gradual decline towards the breakdown potential .
Environmentally friendly Despite their widespread use , conventional surface layer hardening processes have various disadvantages . Harmful chemicals such as fluorides , chlorides , molten salts etc . are used . The surface hardening process offered by Expanite , on the other hand , which is produced using the two-stage process described above , is characterized by an environmentally conscious approach . Without the use of harmful chemicals , and no polluted wastewater , it represents an environmentally friendly and sustainable alternative .
Figure . 8 : Pitting resistance of AISI 1.4401 in seawater
pitting corrosion resistance of austenitic alloys . Firstly , the open circuit potential of the hardening process treated sample is around 100mV higher than for the reference , suggesting better corrosion resistance in the absence of galvanic coupling . The polarization curve of the reference material also shows a much narrower passive region , that is characterized by many intermittent peaks ( rugged line ). Those lines indicate a sudden increase in current density ( increased corrosion rate ) and subsequent repassivation – initial pit formation . The plot obtained for the SuperExpanite ® sample is free of those irregularities , and the material stays in the passive zone for potentials almost
In summary To summarize , the nitrocarburizing process specially developed by Expanite delivers convincing results in terms of both hardness and corrosion resistance for all stainless steel materials , not just limited to individual alloys . It is suitable for all types of stainless steel screws and fittings to extend the service life of the corresponding components and thus ensure increased product safety and interchangeability .
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