Stainless Steel World Magazine October 2024 | Page 19

[ Wastewater Management ]

[ Wastewater Management ]

Duo check valve , wafer type , in super duplex 2507 , 150lb-24 ”. Their superior corrosion resistance makes them ideal for desalination or seawater service . Photo : Weidouli Valves Co . Ltd .
resistance to saline corrosion but also a favourable strength-to-weight ratio are required . Projects include : Tammerkoski rapids , Tampere , Finland ( completed in 2012 ). The wooden floodgates had to be replaced , and at first carbon steel was envisaged . But in the end Outokumpu ’ s Forta LDX 2101 lean duplex grade was applied in the main structural parts of the gates . Gårda Dämme , Gothenburg , Sweden . In 2013 , Outokumpu supplied its Forta LDX 2404 lean duplex grade to replace wooden gates . The coastal city is built on islands intersected by canals , and flooding is a great risk . The new gates help to protect its inhabitants at a time of rising sea levels . Mont St Michel , France . The sea was encroaching on this historic landmark , making access more difficult . That is , until a flood barrier was elected . Industeel supplied 36 tonnes of 2205 duplex plate as cladding for the gates ’ coated carbonsteel frame . The valves were almost made from duplex grade 2205 . Victoriaslussen project , Stockholm , Sweden . This lock is located at Lake Mälaren right in the city centre , an area prone to floods . Apart from flood protection , the gates prevent brackish water from contaminating the drinking water . As part of the extensive Slussen project , new duplex sluice gates in duplex 2205 were built . They will be larger and stronger , capable of releasing more water than their wooden predecessors . The gates were inaugurated in 2022 . Kamihirai Flood Gate , Tokyo , Japan . This is a crucial structure in Tokyo ’ s flood defence system . Originally built in carbon steel in the 1970s , the carbonsteel slide gates were recently replaced with ones in duplex stainless steel . It was decided that using a conventional austenitic grade would significantly increase the weight and pose a risk to the structure . Therefore a lean grade , NSSC ’ s SUS323L , was used . Another factor that weighed in the selection of a strong material was the need for protection against earthquakes .
Public or private ?
Should water be treated or distributed in the public or the private sector ? When I was growing up in the UK the 1950s , water was free ( or covered by local taxes ) and unmetred , and it came from a publicly owned water authority . Then the water service was privatized , but the profit motive was held in check by EU legislation protecting the environment . When the UK left the EU , the water companies were free of this constraint , and sewage discharge increased to scandalous proportions as companies chose to please their shareholders rather than act in the public interest .
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