[ Mining Infrastructure ]
[ Mining Infrastructure ]
deliver water at temperatures up to 65 ° C , all while maintaining energy efficiency . Available in vertical , horizontal , and stackable options , the heat pumps were oriented to best fit the space and reduce footprint . The hot water plant design was split into two , for male and female shower blocks . To enhance safety measures , Rheem incorporated LAN cables into the plant solution design . These cables enable ground-level monitoring of the stacked heat pumps via the master heat pump at ground level , mitigating potential OH & S risks associated with working at heights . Central to the design solution was the use of stainless steel storage tanks from Rheem ’ s RT series , selected for their unparalleled durability , corrosion resistance , and hygienic properties .
Design flexibility The 3,000L grade 316L stainless steel storage tanks not only adhere to rigorous safety standards but also offer the flexibility and footprint efficiency necessary for large-scale projects like Gudai-Darri . WaterMark certified and conforming to AS3498 Safety and public health requirements for plumbing products – Water heaters and hot-water storage tanks , the tanks have a maximum working pressure of 850kPa and a thermal relief capacity of 900kW . Stainless steel ’ s ability to withstand harsh mining conditions , minimize maintenance needs , and ensure long-term water quality and reliability underscores its indispensable role in hot water solutions .
By integrating stainless steel storage tanks into the infrastructure , Rheem Commercial not only addressed the immediate needs of the Gudai-Darri mine but also laid the foundation for a sustainable and future-proof system that aligns with Rio Tinto ’ s commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility .
Republished with the kind permission of the Australian Stainless Steel Development Association ( ASSDA ), a non-profit industry group that has been developing a strong and vibrant stainless steel industry in Australia since 1992 . For information , visit www . assda . asn . au
www . stainless-steel-world . net Stainless Steel World October 2024 13