Volume 34 , November 2022
Stainless Steel World is the global magazine for corrosion resistant alloy users , suppliers and fabricators . www . stainless-steel-world . net
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Face to face
“ There are no strangers in here , just friends you haven ’ t met .” - Roald Dahl , 1916-1990
It was such a pleasure to meet so many of our community members during the recent Stainless Steel World Conference & Exhibition ! Months of anticipation culminated in a stellar event , and the overwhelmingly positive feedback has made all of our efforts worthwhile . On behalf of our whole team , we extend a huge thank you to our sponsors , exhibitors , speakers , delegates and everyone who attended .
As the doors opened on 27 September and the crowds moved in , there was a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air . We ’ ve all had to wait so long for the event to happen , and visitors wasted no time in seeking out the exhibitors they were keen to visit . Packed stands , particularly on the 28 th , were a testament to the value of this niche event for the global stainless community .
Inside the conference , delegates enjoyed a similar experience as they were treated to a program packed with relevant topics and practically applicable information . The Steering Committee had once again delivered a great program , which was appreciated by an audience keen to ask questions and get involved in the discussions .
We ’ re already looking forward to the next edition when Stainless Steel World returns to its ‘ normal ’ timing in 2023 .
This month , our special focus for the magazine is welding , and the team has collected a handful of articles on various aspects of this ever-popular topic . AK Vaish has provided an overview of the welding characteristics of stainless steels , and we ’ ve got a report on a robotic welding snake which can wiggle through pipework . If you or a colleague has a heart problem , you must read the TWI article on the possible dangers welding equipment can pose for pacemakers . Share this information ; it could save a life !
Of course , we like to cover a range of topics for you in each issue , and one which will have wide appeal is James Chaters report ‘ Water and the circular economy ’. It ’ s a topic which is important to everybody on the planet . The violent contrasts between dry and wet weather of recent months have laid bare the urgent need to build , maintain and upgrade water management infrastructure , James explains . Stainless steel will play a vital role in achieving the goal of building more resilient systems to manage our water and recycle this precious resource .
We welcome our friends from Venus Pipes & Tubes to the cover this month . When they began manufacturing stainless steel tubular products in 2015 , few could have predicted the company ’ s stratospheric growth in India ’ s seamless and welded tube and pipe sector . I spoke to the company Director of Marketing Mr Dhruv Patel , who explained the company ’ s extraordinary journey . Be sure to read about it from page 8 .
I hope you enjoy this issue , and as always , your feedback is welcome .
Kind regards , Joanne McIntyre Editor-in-Chief of Stainless Steel World j . mcintyre @ kci-world . com
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www . stainless-steel-world . net Stainless Steel World November 2022 3