[ Water & Wastewater ]
Wastewater storage tanks .
In the dry countries that can afford it , desalination , which is expected to grow in revenue by 9.32 % from 2021-6 , will be a fast-growing source of drinking water . Some very large plants are being built in the Middle East , especially on the Arabic peninsular , with a variety of duplex stainless steels being applied to resist the saline conditions .
Flood control An increasingly important element of water management , especially in urban areas where built-up surfaces prevent run-off , is flood control . The installations can be sophisticated , as in Glasgow ’ s Smart Canal , a dynamically managed system that accepts stormwater run-off via three discharge locations controlled
Water and energy
Apart from being essential to sustain life , water can be harnessed to produce energy . Hydropower is the most obvious example of this , but there are others . As part of the renovations to the Dutch flood barrier , the Afsluitdijk , a system is being installed that can generate electricity through the convergence of saltwater and freshwater ( osmotic power ). Scientists are also researching ways of harnessing the kinetic energy of raindrops to produce electricity . This can be tapped using certain materials with piezoelectric properties ( that generate electricity in response to applied mechanical stress ).
by actuated sluice valves and controls discharge flow into a nearby river . One of the largest of such systems is the recently completed Dubai Deep Storm Tunnel System , which caters for 40 % of the urban area . It comprises a groundwater and stormwater collection network , a 10km-long deep tunnel , a holding pond , a pumping station , and a
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