Stainless Steel World Magazine March 2023 | Page 3

[ Editorial ]

[ Editorial ]

Volume 35 , March 2023
Stainless Steel World is the global magazine for corrosion resistant alloy users , suppliers and fabricators . www . stainless-steel-world . net
Director KCI Publishing B . V Elisa Hannan e . hannan @ kci-world . com Tel : + 31 575 585 291
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Editorial Team ( print & online ) press . ssw @ kci-world . com Ellie Pritchard e . pritchard @ kci-world . com Alexandra Kist a . kist @ kci-world . com Gert Wijbrans g . wijbrans @ kci-world . com Sara Mathov s . mathov @ kci-world . com David Sear d . sear @ kci-world . com
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Stainless Steel World is published ten times per year . Subscriptions are renewed automatically in accordance with Dutch legislation . ISSN : 1383-7184
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Time to share & gain knowledge

“ Share your knowledge . It is a way to achieve immortality .” Dalai Lama , 1935- , Buddist monk , Spiritual Leader of Tibet .
Tubes , pipes and fittings could almost be considered the “ bread and butter ” for many manufacturers , suppliers and re-distributers in our business . The global stainless steel tubes and pipes market is estimated at USD 32 billion in 2022 and shows every sign of steady growth . The amount of stainless tubing required in any large industrial plant is mouth-watering large , and the prospect of upgrades throughout the lifetime of a plant offers further possibilities . As James Chater mentions in his feature article on this topic , the economic uncertainty which has impacted so many sectors in the past year has left this particular sector relatively unscathed . Indeed , sectors such as oil & gas , ( petro ) chemicals , power generation , and semiconductors are showing significant growth . The energy transition also positively impacts the sector ; consider the amount of stainless and high-alloy tubing required for carbon capture and storage and hydrogen applications .
One company fully embracing the opportunities presented by the energy transition and taking on a pioneering role for sustainability in our industry is featured on our cover this month : Outokumpu . I was intrigued to learn about the lengths to which their team has gone to achieve stainless steel with an astonishing 92 % lower carbon footprint than the global average . While they have some advantages that other manufacturers will find hard to replicate - their own chrome mine and Scandinavia ’ s abundance of green electricity – as Max Menzler explained , there are ways that all producers can make their business substantially greener .
This month , we are pleased to highlight two upcoming events you ’ ll want to attend . The first is Green Steel World , our new conference and exhibition that brings the green steel community together under the same roof . It is a unique window of opportunity to engage with a broad spectrum of experts involved in decarbonising the entire steel supply chain . Your ticket also gains you full access to the co-located Hydrogen Tech World conference and exhibition next door . Hydrogen is a hot topic for many industries and these two events have great synergy . Visit greensteelworld . com / exhibition and hydrogentechworld . com for information and to register online .
It ’ s also time to get behind your laptop to write your abstract for the Stainless Steel World conference this September ! The full Call for Presentations is featured in this month ’ s magazine ; I encourage you to take this unique opportunity to join the conversation at the world ’ s premier corrosion-resistant alloy event ! Bring your ideas and enthusiasm , and have your say in the conference . If you already know what you ’ d like to talk about , go straight to bit . ly / 3FQGPnk and send in your abstract today ! The deadline is 1 April , so don ’ t delay .
I hope you enjoy this issue of Stainless Steel World ; as always , your feedback is welcome .
Best wishes , Joanne McIntyre Editor-in-Chief of Stainless Steel World j . mcintyre @ kci-world . com
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Stainless Steel World is a trademark of Technical Business Publications II BV Thijs Elshof , PO Box 67 , 6680 AB Lingewaard , The Netherlands
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