Stainless Steel World Magazine March 2023 | Page 27

Event & Contact Information


Held at the same time as the conference , the Stainless Steel World Exhibition 2023 is tailored toward providing direct business-to-business and networking opportunities . It will welcome a diversity of global knowledge from exhibitors , visitors and conference delegates , contributing to expanding the understanding and knowledge necessary for future industry growth . Stainless Steel World Exhibition 2023 is the ideal opportunity to showcase your company products , services and personality to the dedicated global stainless steel community . Get ahead and take your place at the forefront of the global stainless steel industry .


Exhibitors List Stand Booking bit . ly / 2023floorplan bit . ly / 2023exhlist bit . ly / ssw23stand
Conference Info


Abstract Submission bit . ly / ssw23conference bit . ly / ssw23abstract

Event Information

stainless-steel-world-event . com /
Conference Information
Ms Kiyo Ichikawa Conference Manager Tel : + 31 575 789 260 E-mail : k . ichikawa @ kci-world . com
Exhibition Information
Ms Ioana Mateiciuc Sales & Marketing Tel : + 31 612 987 273 E-mail : i . mateiciuc @ kci-world . com
Online submission : bit . ly / 3FQGPnk
Abstracts : 1 April Acceptance Notification : 1 June Final submission : 25 August