Stainless Steel World Magazine March 2023 | Page 11

[ Cover Story ]

[ Cover Story ]

Outokumpu stainless steel has a 70 % lower carbon footprint than the global average , while the Circle Green line is 92 % lower . Its carbon footprint is approx . 1.8 tons of CO 2 per ton .
supply chains to decarbonise . Choosing more sustainable materials will be a key way of achieving this .” Demand for carbon footprint product information is growing in both the European and US markets , explains Max . “ While demand is still stronger in Europe , our first shipments of Circle Green stainless steel will shortly be shipped to customers in the US . We are the first steel producer able to deliver green steel in significant volumes to the market . Other manufacturers are announcing plans , but these are for the future , not today . We can deliver green steel in significant volumes to help our customers decarbonise right now . We are ready to take on this pioneering role and transform the industry .”
Carefully controlled production chain Many people are surprised to learn that Outokumpu did not need to make significant investments in new assets to achieve its remarkable carbon emission reductions , explains Max . “ Outokumpu Circle Green steel is produced using the same assets as our conventional products . We already used electric arc furnaces , as we work with large quantities of scrap .” Further reducing the carbon footprint was achieved with a three-pronged approach :
• A selective approach to primary raw materials and controlling Scope 3 emissions by optimising the mix , e . g . biocoke to make ferrochrome .
• Using fossil-free energy throughout the production chain , e . g . biogas .
• Careful control of production to achieve very high efficiencies . “ Controlling every step of the process , from raw material selection through to how the production facilities are run , makes a huge difference ,” comments Max . Is this a strategy that other manufacturers can emulate ? “ Owning a chromium mine and ferrochrome production gives us a huge advantage as it provides access to a sustainable primary raw material . Furthermore , in Nordics , we have a high availability of fossil-free electricity . However , in the fight against climate change , which requires a global reduction in emissions , we hope that more manufacturers focus in this direction . We aim to educate the marketplace so that demand for sustainable steel grows and customers become more selective in the material they purchase .”
Towards a greener future Max explains that Outokumpu ’ s overall goal is to integrate sustainability and product carbon footprints into every procurement decision . “ There is a need to educate and communicate with every link in the supply chain to highlight awareness . We ’ ve made great strides but continue to work on constant improvement . Our long-term climate target is to continue to reduce our direct and indirect CO 2 emissions and those of our supply chain to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 .” To this end , Outokumpu is planning a significant investment in a biocoke and biomethane plant . If realised , the project would also significantly increase self-sufficiency in energy in Finland while potentially reducing CO 2 emissions by over 200,000 tonnes per year . The project would be an important step towards the Finnish and European energy and climate targets for 2030 . “ This will be an important milestone because producing biocoke and biomethane using forest waste is an extremely sustainable solution . We would essentially have our own biogas factory , enabling us further to increase our capacity to produce Circle Green stainless steel .”
Persistance and determination Cutting back on carbon emissions in steel production requires persistence , determination and a willingness to invest , concludes Max . “ Everyone knows that the energy transition is not going to be an easy process but at Outokumpu we are determined to play a positive role . The results we have booked so far will hopefully deliver inspiration elsewhere whilst we in our turn , certainly want to learn from the successes of others . Working together , we can forge a cleaner , greener stainless steel sector for the generations to follow . At Outokumpu , we are fully focused on working towards a world that lasts forever .”
www . stainless-steel-world . net Stainless Steel World March 2023 11