Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 4

[ Contents ]

[ Contents ]

BIBUS GROUP : a family of experts with global reach
BIBUS METALS Group is a specialised supplier combining the flexibility of a family-owned company with global reach and expertise . Stainless Steel World spoke to Managing Director Mr Klaus Bökels from BIBUS METALS Germany about how combining local representation with an international presence underpins the Group ’ s enduring success .
12 LNG
LNG goes off the boil , but long-term prospects are good
25 LNG
LNG project sets up Texas as “ energy capital of the world ” Massive investments in LNG projects are setting up Texas as an energy hub on a global scale .
A mild winter has allayed fears of an energy crunch , but with the war in Ukraine dragging on , the future is still uncertain . Demand for LNG rose sharply in early 2022 , and a great deal of capacity is being added . Although prices have eased , the long-term demand for LNG is likely to remain high – good news for suppliers of valve-related products .
Filler metals used in the nuclear industry Columnist Peter Stones answers pressing questions about the technicalities of welding stainless Steels .
20 OIL & GAS
IOGP-JIP33 : Standardising equipment procurement specifications The IOGP JIP33 program has been a great success in the short time it has been active , and is now actively engaging with operators and EPCs to further adoption across the industry .
Testing & inspection of high-alloy cast products with high specification requirements Expert Michael Porfilio takes a detailed look at the general process in which a highly-specified casting is produced in a high-alloy foundry .
Life cycle costing in the city of Melbourne : Urban furniture
Street furniture defines a city ’ s urban landscape , and stainless steel is becoming a material of choice for its long-term cost benefits in addition to its sleek designs , durability , and visual appeal .
Carbon capture and storage – why nickel alloys are capturing attention
As industries around the globe work to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide , there is also an effort to prevent its escape into the atmosphere by sequestering it .
4 Stainless Steel World June 2023 www . stainless-steel-world . net