Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 34

[ Carbon Capture Storage ]

[ Carbon Capture Storage ]

Carbon capture and storage – why nickel alloys are capturing attention

As industries around the globe work to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide , there is also an effort to prevent its escape into the atmosphere by sequestering it . These technologies are known as carbon , capture and storage .
Reprinted with permission from the Nickel Institute
To help achieve the ambition of net zero anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions , the Nickel Institute continues to explore what kind of contribution and criticality nickel will play in the successful deployment of carbon capture and storage ( CCS ). This is an endeavour that includes the entire CCS value chain from mature carbon capture , transportation to sub-surface storage .
Going for higher grades Corrosion and correct material selection are key concerns in the development of safe , reliable , and economical operation of CCS infrastructure . Many CCS processes involve low temperatures with free water present , resulting in acidic conditions and risk of corrosion . As such , carbon steel is not suitable and therefore
Simplified Allam-Fetvedt cycle Air in
Natural gas
Pure O 2
Additional heat input
CO 2 recycle flow CO 2
Power H 2 O CO 2
CO 2
H 2 O
Carbon Disposal Sequestration
1 . Air separation unit ( ASU ) 2 . Oxyfuel combustor 3 . Turbine 4 . Heat exchanger 5 . Cooling
The Allam-Fetvedt process converts carbon fuels into thermal energy while capturing the generated CO 2 and water . Image : CREATIVE COMMONS JOY OF ALL THINGS
The Quest carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) facility , near Edmonton , Alberta , Canada . Since opening in late 2015 , the facility has captured and stored over 6.8 million tonnes of CO 2 and stored it safely 2 km underground . Photo : CNW GROUP / SHELL CANADA LIMITED .
34 Stainless Steel World June 2023 www . stainless-steel-world . net