Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 32

[ Case Study ]

[ Case Study ]

: City of Melbourne

Life cycle costing in the city of Melbourne A case study : Urban furniture

Street furniture defines a city ’ s urban landscape , and stainless steel is becoming a material of choice for its longterm cost benefits in addition to its sleek designs , durability , and visual appeal .
In Australia , the City of Melbourne has led the way in sustainable materials selection , undertaking a life cycle costing comparison study over a 25-year term between carbon steel and stainless steel for use in its public street furniture . The products studied and manufactured included 1200 general waste bins , 500 recycling bins , 800 seats , 400 benches and 80 drinking fountains . Two broad costing components were considered :
1 ) The initial ( procurement ) cost of the different products in the two materials .
2 ) The ongoing maintenance costs , including costs associated with the following : a . Items physically destroyed when in situ and in service . b . Repairable damage to items when in situ and in service , e . g ., graffiti . c . Any required repairs due to natural corrosion and degradation .
Stainless steel furniture items
156 general waste and recycling bins destroyed
10 seats and benches destroyed
1 drinking fountain destroyed
40 general waste and recycling bins repaired
N / A N / A
Destruction rate : 5.6 %
Carbon steel furniture items
260 general waste and recycling bins destroyed
10 seats and benches destroyed
4 drinking fountains destroyed
200 general waste and recycling bins repaired
120 seats repaired 40 benches repaired
Destruction rate : 9.2 %
Repair rate : 1.3 % Repair rate : 12.1 %
32 Stainless Steel World June 2023 www . stainless-steel-world . net