Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 28

[ Casting ]

[ Casting ]

Testing & inspection of high-alloy cast products with high specification requirements

Demanding industries such as aerospace and defence require highly specified castings . This article by casting expert Michael Porfilio takes a detailed look at the general process in which a highly-specified casting is produced in a high-alloy foundry .
By Michael Porfilio , Director of Quality and Technical Services , SF & E
When foundries are contracted to make high-specification castings in the nuclear , naval , petrochemical , defence and other demanding industries , there are unique sets of rules and guidelines that must be followed to ensure all identifying criteria are met during production . These products are set at such high standards as they typically are used in critical situations . The progression in which a casting can be certified as a highly specified product varies from foundry to foundry .
Common threads Table 1 deciphers some of the EU / UK vs . US material and testing specifications . The world market is open to designers of high specification and high alloy castings . To begin the process , it is helpful to understand the similarity and interchangeability of the processes of inspection and testing . Table 1 highlights some of these similarities .
Visual Testing ( VT ): surface analysis Visual inspection and testing are always the first steps in the evaluation
Magnetic Particle linear indication on an ASTM A487 , Grade CA6NM , Class A impeller .
Table 1 . EU / UK vs US material & testing specifications .
Special process or testing technique
Chemical analysis
Tensile testing
ISO or EN test method specification required
EN ISO 9606 – 1 thru 5 assorted welding activities EN ISO 15164 – Welder personnel qualification
EN ISO 15350 – Determining C & S EN ISO 10720 – Determining N & O EN ISO 10200 – Chemical analysis of ferrous materials
EN ISO 6892-1Tension testing EN895 – Destructive weld tensile test
ASME or ASTM test method specifications required for PMA PED / UK PESR orders
ASME BPVC – Section IX welding code ASTM A488 – Foundry welding code
ASTM A751 – Test methods chemical analysis
ASTM E8 – Standard method of tension testing
Impact testing EN ISO 148-1 ASTM E23 – Notched bar impact testing Hardness testing
NDE / NDT personnel qualification
NDT – X-Ray ( RT )
NDT – Liquid penetrant ( PT )
NDT – Magnetic particle ( MT )
NDT – Ultrasonic ( UT )
NDT – Visual ( VT )
Material certification
ISO 6506 – Brinell testing ISO 6508 – Rockwell testing
EN ISO 9712 – Qualification and certification of testing personnel
EN ISO 5579 – Radiographic testing of metallic materials
ISO 3452 – Liquid penetrant , general principals
EN ISO 9934 – Magnetic particle testing ISO 17638 – Magnetic particle testing of welds
ISO 4992-1 – Ultrasonic testing of castings EN ISO 17640 – NDT of welds
EN13018 – Visual testing , general concepts ISO 17637 – Visual testing of weld joints
EN 10205 – Metallic inspection documents EN 764-5 – Inspection documentation of metallic materials and compliance with the material specifications
ASTM E10 – Brinell testing ASTM E18 – Rockwell testing
ASNT SNT-TC-1A for personnel qualification
ASTM E94 – Standard RT film methods ASTM E2035 – Computed radiographic method
ASTM E165 – General industrial method ASTM E1209 – Fluorescent method
ASTM E1444 – Standard practice for MT
ASTM A609 – Casting inspection
ASTM A802 – Visual ‘ MSS sp-55
ASTM A703 – Pressure containing parts
28 Stainless Steel World June 2023 www . stainless-steel-world . net