Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 26

[ LNG ]

[ LNG ]

Stainless steel in LNG production
Stainless steel is a popular material used in various stages of liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) production due to its excellent corrosion resistance , durability , and low maintenance requirements . LNG production typically involves a multi-step process that includes gas processing , liquefaction , storage , and transportation . Stainless steel is used in each of these steps for various applications . In gas processing , stainless steel is commonly used for the construction of equipment such as separators , scrubbers , and heat exchangers . These components are used to remove impurities from natural gas before it undergoes liquefaction . Stainless steel is preferred because it can withstand the harsh conditions of gas processing , such as high temperatures and corrosive environments . In the liquefaction process , stainless steel is used for the construction of cryogenic equipment , such as tanks , heat exchangers , and piping . Stainless steel can withstand the extremely low temperatures required for liquefaction , and it also resists cracking under thermal stress . Stainless steel is also used for LNG storage tanks due to its excellent corrosion resistance and strength . These tanks are typically constructed using a double-wall design , with the inner wall made of stainless steel and the outer wall made of carbon steel . The space between the two walls is insulated with a vacuum , which helps to maintain the temperature of the stored LNG . Finally , stainless steel is used for LNG transportation , particularly in the construction of LNG carriers . These vessels are typically constructed using a combination of stainless steel and other materials to provide the required strength and corrosion resistance . In conclusion , stainless steel plays a critical role in the production of LNG due to its excellent corrosion resistance , durability , and low maintenance requirements . Its use in LNG production ensures that the industry can operate safely and efficiently , and it enables the delivery of this important energy source to markets around the world .
jobs , meet global energy demand and improve the energy security of its allies . Sempra ’ s LNG operations work to provide US producers of natural gas with access to global markets . Sempra Infrastructure owns an interest in Cameron LNG , a 12 million ton per annum ( Mtpa ) export facility operating in Hackberry , Louisiana , and is currently developing additional LNG export facilities on the Gulf Coast and Pacific Coast of North America through Cameron LNG Phase 2 , Port Arthur LNG in Texas and Energía Costa Azul LNG ( ECA ) in Mexico .
Texas , the LNG hub Texas is one of the leading states in the United States for natural gas production and liquefaction . It has several LNG liquefaction plants that produce liquefied natural gas for export to other countries and is rapidly becoming known as the energy hub of the USA . The main LNG liquefaction plants in Texas with export to other countries are :
Freeport LNG has three liquefaction trains that can produce up to 15 million tonnes per annum ( mtpa ) of LNG . The first train began operations in 2019 , and the second and third trains started operations in 2020 .
Corpus Christi LNG has two liquefaction trains with a total capacity of 11 mtpa . The first train started operations in 2018 , and the second train started operations in 2019 .
Cheniere Energy Sabine Pass in Louisiana , also has a presence in Texas . It has five liquefaction trains with a total capacity of 30 mtpa , making it the largest LNG facility in the United States . The first train began operations in 2016 , and the fifth train started operations in 2019 .
Golden Pass LNG has three liquefaction trains with a total capacity of 15.6 mtpa . The first train is expected to start operations in 2024 , and the second and third trains are expected to start operations in 2025 . Golden Pass LNG is a joint venture between ExxonMobil , Qatar Petroleum , and ConocoPhillips .
Rio Grande LNG is currently under development . The facility is expected to have six liquefaction trains with a total capacity of 27 mtpa . Rio Grande LNG is a joint venture between NextDecade Corporation and a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell .
About Sempra
Sempra is a leading North American energy infrastructure company that helps meet the daily energy needs of nearly 40 million consumers . As the owner of one of the largest energy networks on the continent , Sempra is helping to electrify and decarbonize some of the world ’ s most significant economic markets , including California , Texas , Mexico and the LNG export market .
About Sempra Infrastructure
Through the combined strength of its assets in North America , Sempra Infrastructure is dedicated to enabling the delivery of cleaner energy for its customers . Its more than 2,000 employees develop , build and operate clean power , energy networks and LNG and net-zero solutions that are expected to play a crucial role in the energy systems of the future .
26 Stainless Steel World June 2023 www . stainless-steel-world . net