Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 22

[ Standardisation ]

[ Standardisation ]

The KPIs are intended to show JIP33 adoption throughout the supply chain , but it is also possible to monitor the value derived from JIP33 implementation . Due to supply chain complexity , market fluctuations and oil price , baselining cost and demonstrating the cost impact of JIP33 can be challenging . However , what can be determined are the engineering hours required to issue a Request for Quotation ( RFQs ) for a standardised product , as well as tracking the reduction in clarifications that result in issuing standardised requirements . For manufacturers , having standardised requirements and Data Sheets means there should be less administration needed in responding to RFQs . Over the years , JIP33 has organised industry events to discuss the initiatives with key supply chain stakeholders . Recent engagement activities include inviting senior management from regional suppliers , EPCs and non-sponsoring Operating Companies to the IOGP Engineering Leadership Council to discuss their real-world experience with JIP33 to date and to discuss recommendations on driving adoption further . JIP33 has a communication plan for more inperson events and webinars , and will continue this outreach throughout the coming years . Implementation guides and training videos have been developed to help companies better understand the JIP33 process and how best to implement the specifications . Increased engagement with supplier partners has improved the overall JIP33 development process and the quality of the specifications . Initially , supplier input was limited to the draft specification public review . That has now evolved significantly , and there is more opportunity for suppliers , EPCs and non-sponsoring companies to actively contribute to the JIP33 process . Supplier questionnaires and user feedback reviews on current specifications are being used as input to the process . In addition , there are public reviews of draft specifications and post-review town halls to provide feedback to commenters on the changes made to the document . For certain specifications , suppliers even actively participate in shaping the draft specification where anti-competition rules allow .
Lessons learned Besides needing strategic management of change and associated KPIs to monitor adoption , some other fundamental principles have been identified to successfully adopt and implement JIP33 specifications . These include ensuring that the ‘ brand ’ visibility of the JIP33 specification is maintained as it moves through the supply chain so that it will be recognised , and suppliers can respond appropriately . It is also important that the specifications are being used ‘ as-is ’; overlaying or modifying the JIP33 specifications will erode their value . JIP33 is continually updating its processes , including how to minimise overlays to specifications when maintaining or expanding the scope of existing specifications .
Looking forwards The application of JIP33 specifications is not limited to greenfield upstream capital projects . The specifications are also being actively used in brownfield and lowcarbon applications . One of the selection criteria recently added for development topics was low carbon / energy transition applicability . This helps broaden the application past the traditional oil & gas usage into new businesses that many in the sector are now active in . For the flow control industry , this means that standards will need to meet environmental objectives such as :
• Address the reduction of fugitive emissions and define the respective quality requirements
Figure 3 : Volume of equipment procured using JIP33 specifications
22 Stainless Steel World June 2023 www . stainless-steel-world . net