Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 21

[ Standardisation ]

[ Standardisation ]

Figure 1 : Base structure of JIP33 specifications
system , is a journey that Standards Development Organisations ( SDO ) are all embarking on . The IOGP has had a Task Force looking at standardising Requirements for Digitization since 2018 and JIP33 is an early adopter sharing experiences in digital specification writing and using digital exports of the JIP33 specifications for importing into a company ’ s established systems . JIP33 are actively sharing the best practices with the SDOs with the aim that there will be a common set of rules for digital requirements in the future . This digitisation , as well as the cultural and behavioural mindset that standardised procurement specifications needs , requires strategic management of change within organisations . Subject Matter Experts and engineers have the opportunity to think and work in a significantly more efficient way than how the industry has traditionally operated for decades . Given the fact that the twelve sponsoring operating companies who are actively participating in JIP33 development have their own business , organisational systems and cultural differences , getting them all to move in the same direction and compromise their traditional practices has been a transformational change for the industry .
Within the 12 JIP33 sponsoring companies , there has been strong leadership from the top , setting a consistent set of expectations of ‘ using JIP33 specification without change ’ throughout an organisation . Successful JIP33 implementation is beyond engineering , and requires involvement from the company ’ s supply chain organisation and adaptation from information and quality functions . Managing these expectations has been best shown by introducing Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) through the organisational structure that align with the company ’ s overall strategy and objectives . This helps drive the engagement and cultural change needed . As the JIP33 program has developed , the KPIs used by the sponsoring companies have also developed , and they are now looking at pushing the KPIs further into the supply chain .
Supply chain & stakeholders The oil & gas supply chain for capital projects is complex , as it tends not to have a direct purchase-supplier structure . Instead , requirements go from an owner / operator to an EPC , then a packager and finally to manufacturers ( and sometimes their sub-suppliers ). This means that recognising and maintaining the integrity of a JIP33 specification through the supply chain is not simple , especially when requirements are imported into a company ’ s business system . This can make gathering KPIs on how JIP33 implementation is evolving both internally and externally complex . Setting up expectations and systems to collect the necessary data for KPIs should be done at the beginning of a company ’ s implementation journey . This should extend to company expectations on gathering relevant data from their supply chain . Initial KPIs for JIP33 sponsoring operating companies ’ focus were leading in nature and focused on the level of implementation of specifications within the owner / operators , from the adoption of the specification through to purchasing ( Figure 2 ). Now that implementation is maturing in most of the sponsoring operating companies , the program is looking to establish more result-focused KPIs on the volume of equipment purchased ( Figure 3 ), projects utilising JIP33 specifications , and the percentage of value captured . The sponsoring operating companies are now asking their EPC partners to track and monitor comparable data within those organisations to demonstrate how JIP33 specifications adoption is expanding .
JIP33 Implementation Ladder
100 % Purchased
70 % RFQ issued
50 % In project BOD
30 % In library
10 % Intent to adopt
Figure 2 : Adoption staircase
www . stainless-steel-world . net Stainless Steel World June 2023 21