Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 14

[ Lng ]

[ Lng ]

Mild winter blunts demand As I write , the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere has arrived after a mild winter . Russia ’ s attack on Ukraine in February 2022 accelerated a rise in energy prices that was already underway , and before the winter , there were fears that gas would have to be rationed in Europe . Things did not turn out that way , however , and LNG prices further eased following the restart of the Freeport LNG terminal in Texas , USA . Europe has survived the winter without an energy squeeze , but it is not out of the woods yet and is still partially dependent on Russia . Russian gas imports are down overall ( in part because of the destruction of the Nord Stream pipe ), but imports of Russian LNG were up 20 % in 2022 ! There is still a way to go if the EU wants to achieve its goal of independence from Russian fossil fuels by 2027 . To plug the gap , Europe is looking to import LNG from other regions . Terminals are being built , Germany and France are turning to nuclear power , and renewables are being developed .
Imports The gas squeeze may have eased , but in the medium and long term , demand for LNG is likely to increase . The pattern of trade is changing , with Russia selling more oil and gas to India and China to make up for the markets it has lost in Europe . Meanwhile , Europe is importing more from the USA and Qatar , and even faroff Australia . Germany , which was slow to reduce its dependence on Russia , may have difficulty finding enough energy to power its industries ; Italy on the other hand , whose national Eni has many investments in northern Africa , is better prepared . The German government is leading the charge in developing import capacity . The ports of Wilhelmshaven , Brunsbüttel , Stade and Lubmin have been selected to host the terminals . Two FSRUs were installed last winter , out of five that it plans to lease in total . Deutsche Ostsee , a private consortium , has already commissioned an FRSU in Lubin ; a second one is planned by December 2023 . One or more onshore terminals are also planned , which could eventually be converted to handle hydrogen . Italy ’ s energy giant Eni wants to add four new terminals to the country ’ s existing three and to expand infrastructure and storage capacity . In December 2022 , Piombino in Tuscany was selected as a site for an FRSU . Despite local opposition due to safety and environmental concerns , the Italian government hopes it will be ready by April 2023 . A further floating terminal is planned for Ravenna on Italy ’ s other coast , the Adriatic .
Did you know ?
Australia is large ! Though a major exporter of LNG , a market also exists for import facilities . Viva Energy has requested approval to extend a pier at its oil refinery near Melbourne to park an FSRU to supply Australia ’ s biggest gas-consuming state , Victoria . Meanwhile , three receiving terminals have been approved : in New South Wales , South Australia and Victoria .
The town of Piombino in Tuscany , Italy , has been chosen as the site of a new receiving terminal , but the proposal has run into local opposition , led by the town ’ s mayor . The commissioner responsible for the project has therefore offered half-price gas to local inhabitants and businesses .
Greece , which has one terminal ( at Revithoussa ), is looking to build more FSRUs . Terminals are under construction off Alexandroupolis and Corinth ; a terminal has been approved for Athens , a unit off Volos is planned and another off Thessaloniki
The LNG tanker ISH alongside the FSRU Hoegh Gannet in the port of Brunsbüttel , Germany . Photo : RWE .
14 Stainless Steel World June 2023 www . stainless-steel-world . net