Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 11

[ Cover Story ] quality and service for which Bibus is renowned .” The Malaysian office is the Group ’ s hub for Southeast Asia – separate subsidiaries based in Hong Kong and Shenzhen focus on the Chinese market . The offices primarily focus on aerospace , medical and other demanding applications such as oil & gas and petrochemical . “ The special alloys they stock can be quickly supplemented as required with more common grades from our global network ,” explains Mr Bökels .

[ Cover Story ] quality and service for which Bibus is renowned .” The Malaysian office is the Group ’ s hub for Southeast Asia – separate subsidiaries based in Hong Kong and Shenzhen focus on the Chinese market . The offices primarily focus on aerospace , medical and other demanding applications such as oil & gas and petrochemical . “ The special alloys they stock can be quickly supplemented as required with more common grades from our global network ,” explains Mr Bökels .

Guaranteed quality from order to delivery A cornerstone of the BIBUS METALS philosophy is to source products from a limited number of material suppliers , explains Mr Bökels . “ As we guarantee our clients a repeatable , high level of quality , it ’ s essential to have reliable and consistently high quality in stock . Working with just a few suppliers - typically just three per product form – allows us to give this guarantee . Consistency is vital in the demanding industries we service . Special alloys are inherently high-priced materials , but with BIBUS , they come with a level of service that more than justifies that cost . For example , all products are shipped in extremely robust packaging to prevent damage during transport and ensure they arrive in pristine condition . It ’ s all part of our quality guarantee : every step is taken care of from the moment an order is placed . Our clients know they will receive top-quality products delivered safely , exactly when needed , every single time . This level of quality is the same for all of our Group companies
Automotive industry
The new ERP system gives instant quotes which show the availability and prices of products available in the Group ’ s German warehouses .
and is consistently repeatable . If you place an order again in two years , you will receive the same level of quality .”
Modern ERP system The ambition of BIBUS METALS to be a reliable partner for its clients also extends into the digitalised world . Two years ago , the company installed a state-of-the-art ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) system , which forms the foundation for the company ’ s ongoing digital development . Mr Bökels : “ In mid-2022 , this journey continued with the opening of a portal enabling in the first step clients of BIBUS METALS Germany worldwide to instantly acquire reliable quotes which show availability and prices in real-time of products available in our
BIBUS METALS Germany supplies special materials to the high-performance automotive industry . “ The exhaust systems on sports cars and motorbikes must withstand extremely high temperatures and mechanical stresses ,” explains Mr Bökels . “ For many years , we have supplied – directly or indirectly - many famous brands in the racing car and motorbike industries , both in the UK and Europe . It ’ s an interesting market requiring special , exotic materials .”
German warehouses . It ’ s not a shop in the traditional sense , but rather enables clients to get a swift , automatically generated response 24 hours per day , seven days per week , without a human having to be involved in the process . It offers tremendous flexibility to our clients , who can instantly get this information in real time . Although it was launched just nine months ago , around 40 % of our quotes in Germany are now generated by this platform . It ’ s a huge success , as clients enjoy the ease with which they can search the system , put the material they need in the basket , get a quote and then decide if they want to buy it immediately or later . Each quote issued is stored in the system , making it easy for clients to make repeat orders or get updated prices and conditions months or even years later .” “ Many clients are delighted to use it because it is fast , flexible , and repeatable . We believe the system combines the best of both the digital and analogue worlds . Once clients decide to place the order , they can surely speak to us in person to negotiate or pose any technical questions . Direct contact with clients remains important .” The development shows how , as a global Group , BIBUS METALS greatly emphasises the importance of all its clients and the people they represent . “ We welcome our clients into the BIBUS family , and strive to form longterm relationships based on trust and excellence .”
www . stainless-steel-world . net Stainless Steel World June 2023 11