Stainless Steel World Magazine December 2024 | Page 28

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Conference & Expo


Duplex World Conference & Expo 2024

November 13 & 14 saw the Duplex World community meet at Ahoy Rotterdam to share knowledge , do business , and network in two days packed with opportunities . We take a look at some of the highlights of the event , which was co-located with Heat Exchanger World Europe .
By Joanne McIntyre , Stainless Steel World
Conference Chairman Dr Yassar Ghanimi , Head of R & D Services , Group Quality and Safety Management at Andritz AG , opened the event with his keynote on the use of duplex steel in pulp & paper and process engineering .
This year , Duplex World took place for the second time in Rotterdam , now officially the permanent home of the conference and exhibition ( returning in 2026 ). In two bustling days of activities , the community enjoyed a full conference program packed with expert speakers while also taking advantage of the exhibition of leading duplex manufacturers and suppliers . Held in combination with Heat Exchanger World Europe , the event brought together more than 1,100 participants , including 350 conference delegates representing 25 + countries , alongside 76 exhibitors from 22 countries .
Technical conference Duplex World conference has a reputation for being a high-quality technical program , and once again , sessions on topics such as corrosion , metallurgy and surface treatment provided a wealth of in-depth investigations into these thorny topics for the aficionados in our community . However , there were also plenty of sessions catering for those without a technical background .
Daniel Cattin from Acciaierie Valbruna ’ s keynote addressed building longlasting infrastructure and the role of duplex rebars in preventing corrosion .
Atle Qvale , the Principal Engineer at Subsea Design , shared his 30 + years of experience in using duplex in offshore and subsea applications during his keynote address .
Outstanding keynotes The event kicked off with two outstanding keynote speakers . Conference Chairman , Dr Yassar Ghanimi from Andritz AG , started the first day with an insightful look at the use of duplex in the pulp and paper industry and process engineering .
Duplex World thanks our sponsors for their support :
28 Stainless Steel World December 2024 www . stainless-steel-world . net