Volume 34 , July / August 2022
Stainless Steel World is the global magazine for corrosion resistant alloy users , suppliers and fabricators . www . stainless-steel-world . net
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Heading south
“ Of all the books in the world , the best stories are found between the pages of a passport .” - Saber Ben Hassen , Founder and CEO of Carthage Magazine
Dear reader , By the time you read this editorial , I will have left on a summer migration of my own , tracing a familiar route over oceans and continents to visit my homeland of New Zealand . The irony of leaving the glorious summer months here in the Netherlands for a cool and potentially rainy winter in the Southern Hemisphere is not lost on me . However , when our hearts call us home , the voice of reason is muffled by the excitement and anticipation of reunions with loved ones and new adventures over the horizon . If you are still in the Northern Hemisphere , I hope you have enjoyed , or are enjoying , a summer break . What better time to pick up a magazine and read about your favourite alloys ? This month , we ’ ve focused on energy and renewables . It ’ s a broad topic that offers as many evolutions and rapid technological developments as it does opportunities for the use of stainless steel . As James Chater points out in his feature article , this is the perfect time for the energy transition to pick up the pace and make a huge impact on society . Amidst a backdrop of a pandemic , scarcity and war , energy and electricity prices have soared . Sanctions against Russia will oblige Europe to source its energy elsewhere , and this will take time . On the other hand , it ’ s also an opportunity to accelerate the energy transition and address climate change . The Stainless Steel World team has brought you articles on various renewable energies . While James has briefly covered everything from solar to wind to tidal power , we have some focus articles too . For example , hydropower is benefitting from additive manufacturing , as explained in the article by Gefertec , who manufactured a 170kg stainless part for a hydroelectric project . Geothermal power offers an endless source of free energy , and its aggressively corrosive environment is perfect for employing corrosion resistant alloys . The word hydrogen seems to be on everyone ’ s lips these days , and French company Lhyfe has grand ambitions to produce green H2 and sell it directly to end-users . The company already has a pipeline of 93 projects across Europe , and as Director Luc Graré explains , they aim to become the world ’ s leading green hydrogen producer . This month , our cover story features Aperam , a manufacturer of innovative and highperformance solutions . The company is proud that its stainless steel products are 100 % recyclable and reflect its position as a fair and sustainable company with a bestin-class CO 2 footprint within the sector . Finally , we have shared the updated Advance Conference Program for the Stainless Steel World conference and exhibition , which takes place 27-29 September in Maastricht , NL . It ’ s time to start planning your trip to this leading event where everyone you see is involved with stainless steel ! You can find all the information you need on both the exhibition and conference , including travel and hotel details , on the website : www . stainless-steel-world-event . com
Best wishes , Joanne McIntyre Editor-in-Chief of Stainless Steel World j . mcintyre @ kci-world . com
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