Stainless Steel World Magazine April 2023 | Page 38

[ Duplex ]

[ Duplex ]

Corrosivity of brackish waters
Brackish waters vary widely in their corrosivity to metals – some brackish waters are almost like fresh water while others approach the saltiness of the ocean . However , chloride ( salt ) concentration is only one variable affecting corrosion in brackish water – temperature , bacteria levels , dissolved solids , and pH also play a role in material degradation . 2205 duplex stainless steel is much more corrosion resistant than type 316 stainless steel and can withstand higher levels of chlorides . While less corrosion resistant than 2205 , 2404 duplex stainless steel is also more resistant than type 316 and works well in brackish water with lower chloride contents .
Even though the new sluice gates are strong and safe , they were designed to resemble their wooden predecessors . Image courtesy of Outokumpu . pieced together the new gates with over 400 specially crafted components to replicate the wooden aesthetic .
The gate to safer communities Duplex stainless steel has a longer service life , requiring less maintenance than other materials . Even though duplex stainless steel is more expensive upfront , when the total life cycle costs of a project are considered , it usually emerges as a more cost-effective solution . Not having to repaint , recoat , or replace components on the sluice gates means no chaotic road closures for maintenance , no gaps in flood protection for the city , and less greenhouse gas emissions from producing and moving new materials . Managing the shifting waters of the 21 st century will not be easy , but duplex stainless steel will help resist the rising tide .
About IMOA
Reproduced with the kind permission of the International Molybdenum Association ( IMOA ). IMOA is a non-profit trade association representing the majority of the molybdenum industry worldwide . For information , visit www . imoa . info

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