End User Interview stands for honesty and that is why I like working here . I see this as a win-win situation , Being open and truthful is the best way to develop a strong and lasting connection with the client ,” states Maria Oestergaard .
Open communication is also essential whenever Haldor Topsoe staff are sent to assist external stakeholders . Taking the third-party fabrication of proprietary equipment as an example , Maria Oestergaard says that colleagues can be sent to the jobsite in a supervisory capacity . “ The engineer ’ s role is to provide support , not policing , for example , advising on appropriate fabrication procedures but also providing a fast response to unforeseen issues . Engineering drawings might look flawless in our office but in the workplace , welders might find it hard to properly access certain areas . Our inspector can advise on the spot and later give us feedback so we can make implementations if needed .” Haldor Topsoe ’ s materials engineers are equally forthright when asked to deliver training programs on materials and corrosion for customers . “ By openly and honestly discussing corrosion mechanisms , our engineers can teach plant operators when and how to avoid issues and improve safety . But they also explain what type and degree of degradation can occur naturally and what has been taken into consideration when designing the equipment . For example , many alloys used for high-temperature purposes can be affected by carbide formation and precipitation . This reduces ductility , making the tubes more brittle , yet the equipment can still be used with perfect safety provided the design conditions are not exceeded .”
Proactive Environment
When Maria Oestergaard joined Haldor Topsoe in 2001 there were many other engineers with knowledge about materials and degradation , but she was the company ’ s very first metallurgist and corrosion engineer . With time , the group of metallurgists has grown and in
2017 the Finite Element Analysis ( FEA ) team was absorbed . Today she runs a team consisting of 11 staff members located in Denmark , Russia , and India . The team includes FEA calculators , materials engineers , and welding engineers . In terms of materials , the team is experienced in metals , polymers , and refractory materials .
Asked about her management style and goals , Maria Oestergaard replies , “ I want to help my colleagues develop their full potential , thereby making my job redundant . So , one initiative is to ensure staff are cross-disciplinary and able to work with all types of equipment . This way they can provide effective back-up for each other and maximize the value they can offer to Haldor Topsoe . I also encourage a change in mindset from reactive to proactive , as well as self-motivation .”
In addition to creating a positive working environment for her team , Maria Oestergaard also coaches individual engineers in the development of their skill sets . “ Now more than ever newly qualified engineers need to quickly hone not just their technical knowledge
but also their social skills . Examples include interacting with clients , learning the art of persuasion , and understanding how to gain empathy . Giving presentations is another skill to master . The key is to eliminate superfluous information . Identify the three key points you want people to take away from your talk and focus your time on conveying just those points .”
Whereas previously a newly qualified engineer might have been given ten years to become an expert , the world demands today much faster learning , she notes . “ This change is inevitable because the industrial environment we are all working in is in a constant state of flux . Acquired knowledge becomes obsolete in just a few years ’ time . At Topsoe we do as much as we can to create agile and fast-learning teams to address current challenges and to adapt to the continuously changing world .”
Meet Maria Oestergaard
Given her track record for motivating her team , Maria Oestergaard shared some more advice for personal growth . “ First , be organised . Work out the shortest solution for every problem that requires the minimum number of resources while resulting in the maximum output . This works for both your business and personal life . Second , don ’ t just talk about a problem ; take action . Third , if you are a manager , concentrate on ensuring all team members understand the company ’ s strategic intent . This enables every one of us to make our own decisions within our field of responsibility without having to repeatedly ask a superior . It is liberating for all parties . And finally , look to create meaningful connections based on honesty with the people around you – so your team members , your bosses and your customers . That ’ s the ultimate way to create win-win situations for everyone .”
Education Maria Oestergaard holds a bachelor ’ s degree in physical chemistry , a master ' s degree in electrochemistry , and a PhD in materials & corrosion .
Career She joined Haldor Topsoe in 2001 and is currently Manager – Hardware Support Group . She is also a member of MTI Global , having been on the board since 2007 , and served as chairman from 2016 to 2019 .
Personal Born and raised in Spain , she relocated to Denmark in 1984 and has remained there ever since . Married with two children , she uses family holidays to stimulate her children ’ s natural curiosity to explore different cultures and traditions . In her scant free time , she relaxes by cooking ( fish dishes a speciality ) and reading crime novels which , she says , mirror her working life as the detective also analyses information to unearth the truth .
Social causes Maria Oestergaard is a long-term member and former international president of Zonta International , a global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy . “ I utterly support the vision that all women should have equal rights , be able to reach their full potential , and be free of violence ,” she says . Zonta currently numbers some 30,000 women members across 67 countries and celebrated its centennial in 2019 .
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