The answer is found in precision mapping using the following path :
• A telescopic overview of the main segments : liquefaction , transport , and regasification ;
• Analysis of the USD $ 100 million subsegments ; and
• Finding each USD $ 1 million per year opportunity with 30 % earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation , and amortization ( EBITDA ) and 40 % market share .
These favorable opportunities are created by product , technology , customer , and location synergies . The synergies can be depicted as moons orbiting in a synchronized manner to maximize EBITDA . The highly profitable lunar landings are found only with precision mapping .
LNG Market
Oil and gas can be viewed as a USD $ 300 billion dollar galaxy in the USD $ 2.5 trillion air , water , and energy universe .
Natural gas is growing at 3 % per year . What is most impressive is that the percentage of gas converted to LNG is predicted to increase by 6 % per year through 2040 . The primary reason for the high level of growth is the ability to economically move natural gas from source to use . This economy is due to liquefaction and the fact that the process reduces the gas to 1 / 600 th of its original unliquified volume and to half the weight of water .
Russia and the Middle East countries have been the leading gas producers in the past , but horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have created large new sources of gas .
According to the International Energy Agency ( IEA ), in 2024 , global gas demand is forecast to grow by 2.5 %, or 100 billion cubic meters ( bcm ). Price-sensitive industrial sectors will see a return to growth . Power generation is forecast to increase only marginally , as higher gas burn in the Asia Pacific region , North America , and the Middle East is forecast to be partly offset by reduced demand in Europe .
While growth in natural gas use will be modest , the percentage that is converted to LNG will grow by 6 % per year through 2040 . |
The U . S . has leveraged hydraulic fracturing to become the world ’ s largest gas producer . It has invested in liquefaction terminals and exports LNG around the world .
As of October 2023 , U . S . terminals for LNG exports had a combined capacity of 92.9 million metric tons per year .
North America ’ s LNG export capacity will expand to 24.3 billion cubic feet per day ( Bcf / d ) from the current 11.4 Bcf / d as Mexico and Canada place their first LNG export terminals into service and the U . S . adds to its existing LNG capacity . By the end of 2027 , LNG export capacity will grow by 1.1 Bcf / d in Mexico , 2.1 Bcf / d in Canada , and 9.7 Bcf / d in the United States from a total of 10 new projects across the three countries .
Exxon Mobil and other major oil and gas companies have invested in large tankers that have doubled the capacity of the earlier models .
In addition to ship and rail , virtual pipelines are experiencing strong growth . Gas , which was formerly flared due to lack of a pipeline , is now liquefied and moved by tanker trucks to power generators and other users . Recipient countries in Europe and Asia have invested in regasification facilities .
Stainless Product Opportunities
LNG requires a number of challenging processes where stainless is the material of choice .
Natural gas as extracted contains a lot of acid gases and other gases , solids , and liquids that need to be removed . The acceptable remaining quantities of contaminants are far lower than if the gas is not compressed .