End User Interview
In each process , however , there is something different going on ,” explained Levitsky . “ Temperature differences , external environments , and risk for external corrosion due to chemicals within the atmosphere depending on the plant are just some of the possible differences that may cause an issue .”
Often , documents and visuals surrounding maintenance practices are given to those working with hoses to help them get an understanding of what signs to look for that would indicate premature hose failure . “ Every application is different and there are multiple variables to consider . You could think everything is in perfect working order and then you may have a hose failure tomorrow ,” said Levitsky .
Preventative maintenance is the most common maintenance practice for end users working with hoses . Many companies utilize annual or even quarterly maintenance programs to inspect their equipment , including piping and hoses . Levitsky continued , “ It is important to offer onsite assistance with inspections , as well as providing documentation to help aid with identifying potential issues .”
“ We like to encourage our customers to perform those regular preventative maintenance programs to inspect hoses before the shutdown takes place ,” said Levitsky . “ As a product expert , it is crucial to give the customer reassurance that we are here for them when needed , and we can help solve any issues they may run into . End users should be able to focus on running their equipment and let experts handle the errors ,” continued Levitsky .
“ There could be a corrosion issue at one plant that the other does not deal with . So , if one hose fails and the other does not , you want to ask yourself why ?” Levitsky said . “ We are always going to try and figure out what works best , and that involves working through their problems and finding a solution to the best of our ability .” When presented with a challenge or issue , an investigation must be completed to determine the best maintenance path moving forward .
Liquid breakaway hose – Chemical Plant .
Industry Advice
The outlook on the future of the hose industry is clear to Levitsky . “ Hoses are always going to be needed . In the manufacturing world , there are always fluids / media that will need to be transferred , steam services , and high-pressure applications requiring a flexible hose and not a rigid pipe . Creative thinking is a plus in this industry , as not all learning is always visual . One must think : what are the connection points and where are they in relation to each other ? How will the hose configuration move while in service given the space it is in ? Always ask for S . T . A . M . P . E . D information to ensure the offered solution meets all needs of the application .”
“ Everyone must start somewhere and start learning about a process , even if it seems daunting . Many people in the industry have intense knowledge as they have been doing it for 30 + years . My advice for anyone interested in starting
a career in the hose industry is do not hesitate and do not be afraid to get your hands dirty , so to speak . At some point , everyone is new to their industry / field and requires help from others . Asking questions is a must . After 16 years in the industry , I am still learning and asking questions every day to ensure our
customers get the very best solution available to them ,” concluded Levitsky .
Reference :
1 . https :// www . millerwelds . com / resources / article-library / tig-it-how-a-tig-welder-works-and-when-to-tigweld #:~: text = TIG % 20stands % 20for % 20tungsten % 20 inert , the % 20tungsten % 20and % 20weld % 20puddle .
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Dog leg hose assembly .
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