Stainless Steel World Americas Journal December 2023 | Page 16

Issue 6 , December 2023
Stainless Steel World Americas is the leading publication for corrosion resistant alloy users , suppliers and fabricators in North , Central , and South America .
www . ssw-americas . com
Publishing Director Andre Davanzo a . davanzo @ kci-world . com
Editor Sara Mathov ( Canada / USA ) s . mathov @ kci-world . com
Editorial Team ( print & online )
Sarah Bradley ( Canada / USA ) s . bradley @ kci-world . com
Angelica Pajkovic ( Canada / USA ) a . pajkovic @ kci-world . com

Meeting Point

Mark Your Calendars for Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas 2024 !

Be part of the Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas Conference & Expo on January 24 th and 25 th , 2024 at San Jacinto College ’ s LyondellBasell Center for Petrochemical , Energy & Technology ( CPET ) in Pasadena , TX . Featuring an exhibition and a technical conference , the event will have something to offer everyone , including manufacturers , fabricators , service providers , EPCs , and end users dedicated to improving workplace practices , in efforts to reduce the environmental damage caused by industrial emissions .
Shopia Ketheeswararajah ( Canada / USA ) s . ketheeswararajah @ kci-world . com
Charlie Evans ( Canada / USA ) c . evans @ kci-world . com
Joanne McIntyre ( The Netherlands ) j . mcintyre @ kci-world . com
Sales Director Andre Davanzo a . davanzo @ kci-world . com
Advertising Team ( print & online ) Mathijs Gordon m . gordon @ kci-world . com Roger Caetano r . caetano @ kci-world . com
Subscriptions ( print & online ) Lindsay Jackson l . jackson @ kci-world . com Eriko Ishiyama e . ishiyama @ kci-world . com
Stainless Steel World Americas is published six times per year . A renewal reminder will be sent towards the end of your subscription period .
ISSN 1879-7741
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Sponsored by industry-leading manufacturers and distributors , there will be a strong emphasis on leak detection and repair , emission control , and testing technologies . This year ’ s keynote presentations will feature speakers from S & B Engineers and Constructors , Phillips 66 , Bray International , and others , who will provide insights on an array of topics pertaining to the future of sustainability . Each of these impressive keynotes is sure to provide unique insights into mitigating and reducing emissions in day-today practices .
Dynamic Conference Agenda
This year ’ s conference will offer concurrently running Panel Discussions in both the morning and afternoon sessions . Attendees will have the opportunity to gain insight on topics from a range of panelists , including end users , EPCs , policy board members , and manufacturers . Panels will include a wide variety of discussions with a focus on Environmental Impacts , Low E Valve Technology , as well as Emissions Technology .
The afternoons will also consist of several workshop sessions , in which the presenter will have the chance to take a closer look at the challenges , innovations , and progress the industry has experienced over the last year . With a focus on Emissions Monitoring Technologies , demos on Installation , Operation & Maintenance of Low E technologies , and an in-depth look at
Mathijs Gordon Account Manager m . gordon @ kci-world . com
Emerging Sealing , Low E Valve , & Environmental Technologies , this conference will provide a dynamic platform for individuals from all sectors to learn and connect .
Exciting Exhibition Hall
Throughout the entirety of the two-day event , vendors will showcase their latest products and technologies geared towards efforts to reduce the environmental impacts of industrial emissions during the Exposition . Attendees are encouraged to check out the Expo Hall during their time at the 2024 event to network , engage with new technologies , and be a part of the solution .
Register Now !
Registre here : https :// www . regexpo . com / kci / FE24 / client / 1 . asp
Together , this interactive event will give attendees the opportunity to network with the fugitive emission community to detect , mitigate , and reduce emissions . Be sure to register to take part in this exciting event !
Angelica Pajkovic Editor-in-Chief , Conference Coodinator a . pajkovic @ kci-world . com
Sponsored by :
16 Stainless Steel World Americas - December 2023 | www . ssw-americas . com