Stainless Steel World Americas August 2024 | Page 13

Case Study

Large Node heat exchanger .
With a higher pressure and temperature rating than others , it ’ s suitable for various applications . A sustainable solution to customers focused on sustainability , Aggreko is the only rental company with this type of system and size offering . The Hastelloy-C heat exchanger is unlike any heat exchanger on the rental market . Its unique material allows for higher resistance to a wide range of corrosive chemicals and gases , making it the ideal solution for applications requiring high-performance heat transfer and corrosion resistance . As the metallurgy and configuration of this exchanger enables it to meet unique petrochemical and refining applications , beyond the capabilities of typical exchangers , it is an ideal choice for plants operating in these industries . Similar to the Large Node heat exchangers , Aggreko is the only solutions provider to offer a system with this metallurgical composition to petrochemical and refining customers .
Real-World Applications : Large Node Heat Exchangers
When a Gulf Coast refinery needed a temporary shell and tube heat exchanger arrangement for their Tail Gas Unit ( TGU ), Aggreko was called to supply a temporary solution to reinstate the production of their TGU while their permanent exchanger underwent significant maintenance . Their permanent exchanger was severely tainted by sulfur , and it was expected to take at least a couple of months to have it cleaned .
As the refinery ’ s existing exchanger was out of commission , the temporary exchangers were brought in to cool 500,000 + lb / hr of sulfur-laden quench water by 60 ° F using the refinery ’ s cooling water . The total heat load was expected to be about 40-45 million BTU / hr , which is significant and requires a large heat exchanger .
Given the high flow rates and heat rejection required , Aggreko evaluated the process conditions and determined that deploying two 5,700 sqft Large Node heat exchangers was the best solution . As a result , the TGU was up and running within the week . This provided the unit the ability to stay online without interruptions – allowing the client to maintain their production levels and maintenance schedule .
Real-World Applications : Hastelloy-C
When a northern U . S . refinery experienced extreme corrosion in their tempered water coolers in the FCC slurry filtration service , both of their on-site exchangers had to be taken out of service . The plant needed to cool 200,000 lb / hr of a glycol mixture by > 50 ° F with brackish cooling water . Given the high salt content of brackish water , a heat exchanger with specialized metallurgy is required .
Aggreko ’ s specialty equipment , process expertise , and local presence enabled the rapid deployment of a Hastelloy-C Crossflow heat exchanger , designed to uniquely maintain normal operations until a permanent exchanger was brought to the site . As a result , the Hastelloy-C heat exchanger ensured efficient heat transfer with a low-pressure drop , thus maximizing energy efficiency , and making it a sustainable choice for this application .
Ultimately , Aggreko ’ s experience with their Large Node and Hastelloy-C heat exchangers shows how temporary exchanges can be used for several scenarios in petrochemical plants and petroleum refineries .
The petrochemical industry ’ s exchangers must meet stringent requirements to ensure the desired quality of the final product from refineries and factories , and providers like Aggreko offer temporary exchangers when these customers ’ permanent ones need to be out of commission .
About the Author
Hinal Patel is currently a Technology Advisor at Aggreko , bringing experience from previous roles at SS Capital Group and Various Roles . Hinal Patel holds a 2004 – 2007 B . S . Chemical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology . With a robust skill set that includes heat transfer , hydrotreating , process optimization , fluid dynamics , process engineering and more , Hinal Patel contributes valuable insights to the industry .
Stainless Steel World Americas - August 2024 | www . ssw-americas . com 13