2014 Also sees the addition of Jason Smith to our coaching Staff.
Jason comes along to join our Defensive Coaching staff
and we got chance to get a few words with him before the
Season starts.
Name : Jason Smith
Coaching Role : Defensive Line Coach
How many years Coaching American Football : 9 years
What got you into the game and into coaching : Team sport and just that desire to bash people and be bashed.
Love the adrenaline from contact. Medical conditions stopped me playing in the end.
Worst memory of Coaching American Football : Losing playoff games and a fight between 2 players on my
Defense, hated that.
Who is your NFL team : Miami Dolphins
What do you feel you can Bring to the Surge this season : communication, adaptability and a lot of fun for my
D Line. They are responding well.
What do you hope to see from the Surge in the 2014 season : vast improvement. Already going in the right
direction. Need to establish ourselves once again.
What have you fond the biggest challenge in the off season : changing perceptions. To be fair the transition
has been smooth, as the D Line jumped on board my philosophy.
What is your approach to coaching talk to them or shout at them : Talk. Only shout at Sunshine. He has a
gumshield issue.
What do you feel is your best attribute ; Calmness. Never get flustered or make excited decisions. HM Forces
Best play call you have ever made : Got lots of them. 5 DB's against a Spread system. Had the right
players at the right time.