St. Vincent Education Statistical Digest 2017-2018 | Page 20

Message from the Permanent Secretary- Mrs. Morine Williams

The Ministry of Education in St. Vincent and the Grenadines continues to receive a significant proportion of the National Budget to carry out its programme of activities. Thus, as we push for greater efficiency and effectiveness in the education system, we have begun to rely a lot more on hard data to guide our decision making process instead of intuition.

The collection, processing and reporting of accurate data on the performance of the education sector are vital steps as we work to attain the various targets of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4)by 2030. Without hard data it will be very challenging to ascertain and keep track of our progress as we work to achieve all of the set targets. Hence, I cannot over emphasize the importance and usefulness of the production of the annual education Statistical Digest.

The Education Statistical Digest produced annually by the Ministry of Education is a source of information that helps with the planning, management and the reporting on the performance of the education system in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It is the main data source used to supply information to our Central Statistical Office, OECS Commission, CARICOM, UNESCO and a host of other organisations.

Many persons look forward to this annual publication. I hope that we would have met or surpassed the expectations of everyone with the quality of the data provided in this the 2017-2018 edition of the Education Statistical Digest.