In addition to being one of the best shows to ever be
broadcast, Twin Peaks ushered in a new era for TV. Every single
show that dared to be cinematic owes their existence to Twin
Peaks. Before The Sopranos, Fargo and Breaking Bad, there was
Twin Peaks. It’s impact on TV is so apparent that it’s shocking that
more people haven’t watched it. Some shows nowadays have
skipped straight past paying homage to being a beat-for-beat rip-
off. I mean, Riverdale!? Seriously!? Anyways.
In short, Twin Peaks is a masterpiece. It redefined TV
and gave us beautiful, ambiguous escapism, even if half of
season 2 was almost unwatchable. Fortunately, the original series
isn’t even half of everything Twin Peaks has to offer. The Secret
Diary Of Laura Palmer was released in between seasons one and
two of the original series. Three other books were released after
season 2 ended. In 1992, David Lynch directed Twin Peaks: Fire
Walk With Me, a feature-length film chronicling the last seven
days of Laura Palmer’s life which, although a critical and
commercial failure, many die-hard fans would argue is just as
good as the series. In 2017, ShowTime released an 18-episode
mini series that left fans with more questions than answers. No
matter how hard you try, finding a show that had more influence
on television than Twin Peaks is impossible.
Photography by Emma Jacques
Comic by Andrew Ranaghan