Interview with Sarah LaFarge
By: Emma Jacques
Interview with Sophia Dell’ano
By: Emma Jacques
(1) What’s your favorite food?
(1) What’s your favorite food?
“Sushi or steak, it’s in between.”
(2) Do you like spicy things?
“Yes, not all but some.”
(2) Do you like spicy things?
(3) Where’s your favorite place to go?
“Disney world.”
(3) Where’s your favorite place to go?
“Cape Cod.”
(4) How many time have you gone to the specific place?
(4) How many have you gone to the specific place?
“5 times”
(5) What’s your favorite animal?
(5) What’s your favorite animal?
(6) What’s your favorite song?
“I don’t know.”
(6) What’s your favorite song?
“Supermarket Flowers.”
(7) Favorite TV show?
“Stranger Things.”
(7) Favorite TV show?
“The Goldbergs.”
(8) Favorite movie?
(8) Favorite movie?
Interview with Grace Gunning
By: Emma Jacques
(1) What’s your favorite food?
“Garlic bread!”
(2) Do you like spicy things?
“Not a lot of spicy things, can’t be super spicy.”
(3) Where’s your favorite place to go?
“New Hampshire.”
(4) How many times have you gone to the specific place?
“A lot of times”
(5) What’s your favorite animal?
“Cats, I guess.”
(6) What’s your favorite song?
“I don’t have one, why do you care?”
(7) Favorite TV show?
“Star Trek Voyager”
(8) Favorite movie?
“Star Trek First Contact”
Wordle Art by
Catherine Igo,
Jacques, &
Art by Christiana Ohannessian